With the world at home for much of the last two years, I have continued to take a closer look at the inhabitants of our own backyard. A late ice storm in February 2021 damaged or brought down several bird-favorite trees and seems to have impacted our numbers and variety. This year, we are working on creating a few bird-friendly zones on the property to see if we can encourage more to return. 
Click an image, to view it larger, then use the left and right side arrows to move through the collection.
Dark-eyed Junco does pre-flight prep.
Dark-eyed Junco does pre-flight prep.
Berwick's Wren Singing in the Sun
Berwick's Wren Singing in the Sun
Getting Cold Feet! (Anna's Hummingbird, female)
Getting Cold Feet! (Anna's Hummingbird, female)
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow with its Crane Fly snack.
Song Sparrow with its Crane Fly snack.
White Breasted Nuthatch
White Breasted Nuthatch
Anna and the Flower I (Anna's Hummingbird)
Anna and the Flower I (Anna's Hummingbird)
Golden Crowned Sparrow
Golden Crowned Sparrow
Our Lady Rufous Hummingbird
Our Lady Rufous Hummingbird
A soulful Scrub Jay
A soulful Scrub Jay
The Visit. Great Horned Owl.
The Visit. Great Horned Owl.
The Black-capped Chickadee
The Black-capped Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee in song.
Black-capped Chickadee in song.
Flight of the Lady Rufous Hummingbird
Flight of the Lady Rufous Hummingbird
Hummingbird Sun Bath
Hummingbird Sun Bath
Another singing Black-capped Chickadee.
Another singing Black-capped Chickadee.
Western Tanager singing at the bath.
Western Tanager singing at the bath.
A Hearty Breakfast for a Young Starling
A Hearty Breakfast for a Young Starling
Anna's Hummingbird deep in the greenery.
Anna's Hummingbird deep in the greenery.
Tiny Wilson's Warbler high up a tree.
Tiny Wilson's Warbler high up a tree.
Black-capped Chickadee with nesting material.
Black-capped Chickadee with nesting material.
The Red Breasted Nuthatch versus the Fountain Bubbler
The Red Breasted Nuthatch versus the Fountain Bubbler
Male Anna's Hummingbird speaks his mind.
Male Anna's Hummingbird speaks his mind.
Spotted Towhee in a Gingko Tree
Spotted Towhee in a Gingko Tree
The supermodel Black-capped Chickadee.
The supermodel Black-capped Chickadee.
Anna and the Flower II (Anna's Hummingbird)
Anna and the Flower II (Anna's Hummingbird)
House Finch Visit
House Finch Visit
Lady Rufous and Her Water Droplet
Lady Rufous and Her Water Droplet
Lady Rufous and the Crocosmia Flowers
Lady Rufous and the Crocosmia Flowers
Male's Anna Hummingbird flashing some tail.
Male's Anna Hummingbird flashing some tail.
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